10 Fun Facts About Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is growing with each passing day. Every day the digital marketing sector sees new developments, growth, and increments. But with all the seriousness, products and other things that Digital Marketing brings also have a fun side. This fun side includes data from surveys, research, and facts that people feel shocked and even enjoy themselves at the same time when they come to know about these facts. Keeping this in mind, Madzenia Pvt Ltd - The Top Digital Marketing company in Noida presents 10 Fun Facts about digital marketing that will surely blow up your mind!

The below facts and figures have been obtained from research and surveys conducted by experts and professionals. These may differ from survey to survey, and the numbers might change every day. 

1. Out of 100% of Consumers in the market, 80% say that their purchase behavior has changed with the introduction of Internet Marketing or Digital Marketing. This 80% of the consumers research a lot by reading reviews, comparing products, and doing complete product research before any product online. 

2. Blogs are the digital form of newspapers and magazines. And with websites and content increasing on digital platforms every day, it’s essential to make them more appealing. When you have more visuals in more blogs, it attracts 94% more page views. 

3. Attention Span is reducing with each passing day, and it is 3 seconds of attention span on social media and 10 seconds of attention on messages. This means you only have a few seconds to grab your user's attention. 

4. Whatever the email is, it's the subject line that matters. This means whatever email you are sending, 30% of your email recipients open your email if the subject line attracts them. 

5. Automation is the talk of the town. When you use automation tools for your marketing-related tasks, it increases your conversions by 50%

6. Smartphones and Emails are a good combination. It is proven that 91% of people check their emails once a day on their smartphones. 

7. Content- Content everywhere, lots to consume - With the boom in digital marketing in the past few years, there has been a rapid increase in content creation. Therefore, it is believed that 70% of marketers have started creating more content than they were doing a year ago. 

8. One good customer brings in more customers - Customers are the most essential and top priority for any brand. You don’t need any other marketing strategy if your customer is happy with you. To put it into the simplest of words, if your customer/consumer gets a good and satisfying experience with you, he is likely to tell about it to 15 other people. 

9. Content is the King - Time, and again we have heard that content is the King. Let us tell you that 93% of the total digital marketers use content marketing for B2B businesses. They say it helps them sell better and make significantly more profits. 

10. Email Marketing is increasing with each passing day - Research has shown that the budget allocated for Email Marketing grows by 10% every year. 

These were some of the fun marketing facts that we enjoyed telling about. We hope you enjoyed reading them as well. 

If you are looking for the Best Digital Marketing company in Noida, then Madzenia Pvt Ltd is there. Madzenia has worked with premium clients and has Indian and International Clients. We hold years of experience in all digital marketing domains and serve our clients with the best strategies and make sure they generate results and greater profits through our services. 

Wait no more! And reach out to Madzenia - The Best Digital Marketing company in Noida for all your digital marketing services.   


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